STORM OVER THE YANGTZE RIVER: A Window into 1960s Propaganda

Okay, I know I’ve been writing too much about films recently, and I really intended to diversify a bit more, but I have another film-related event I want to talk about. For the past few weeks, the University of Oklahoma has been holding Sensing Taiwan, a Taiwanese film series and a roundtable discussion. Consisting ofContinue reading “STORM OVER THE YANGTZE RIVER: A Window into 1960s Propaganda”

WOMEN MAKE WAVES: Empowering Women Behind the Camera

Happy International Women’s Day! In honor of women, this week I’d like to tell everyone about Taiwan’s longest-running film festival promoting female talent. Films are an extremely powerful way of allowing someone else to see the world through your eyes, and the Women Make Waves Festival provides a platform to highlight these gendered perspectives. EstablishedContinue reading “WOMEN MAKE WAVES: Empowering Women Behind the Camera”

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