YUN HAI (雲海): Terrain, Technique, History, and Humanity 

Yun Hai (雲海), also known as Yun Hai Taiwanese Pantry, was originally founded in 2018 by Lisa Cheng Smith and Ivan Wu, with their third member Lillian Lin joining in 2021. From her work as a wholesale director, Smith was already familiar with supply-chain distribution, and when she found herself importing Taiwanese sauces into theContinue reading “YUN HAI (雲海): Terrain, Technique, History, and Humanity “

MID-AUTUMN FESTIVAL(中秋節): Mooncakes, Pomelo, and Barbecue

It’s the week before the Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋節), which means that it’s time to stock up on all your moon festival treats! The Mid-Autumn Festival—also known as the Moon Festival or the Mooncake Festival—takes place on the 15th of the 8th lunar month. As a huge lover of mooncakes, especially the lotus paste mooncakes withContinue reading “MID-AUTUMN FESTIVAL(中秋節): Mooncakes, Pomelo, and Barbecue”

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