STORM OVER THE YANGTZE RIVER: A Window into 1960s Propaganda

Okay, I know I’ve been writing too much about films recently, and I really intended to diversify a bit more, but I have another film-related event I want to talk about. For the past few weeks, the University of Oklahoma has been holding Sensing Taiwan, a Taiwanese film series and a roundtable discussion. Consisting ofContinue reading “STORM OVER THE YANGTZE RIVER: A Window into 1960s Propaganda”

NETFLIX ROUNDUP: 5 Taiwanese Shows/Movies You Can Watch on Netflix

Last week, I was excited to read that Netflix has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Taiwan Creative Content Agency (TAICCA, 文化內容策進院)! TAICCA is an agency that acts as an intermediary between the Taiwanese government and the creative industry to help nurture, fund, and promote Taiwanese content. While Netflix and TAICCA have alreadyContinue reading “NETFLIX ROUNDUP: 5 Taiwanese Shows/Movies You Can Watch on Netflix”

WOMEN MAKE WAVES: Empowering Women Behind the Camera

Happy International Women’s Day! In honor of women, this week I’d like to tell everyone about Taiwan’s longest-running film festival promoting female talent. Films are an extremely powerful way of allowing someone else to see the world through your eyes, and the Women Make Waves Festival provides a platform to highlight these gendered perspectives. EstablishedContinue reading “WOMEN MAKE WAVES: Empowering Women Behind the Camera”

NIGHT BUS: Violence for Richness

After receiving Sundance’s 2022 Short Film Jury Award, Night Bus (夜車) has become the first Taiwanese film to win a Sundance award! Written and directed by Joe Hsieh (謝文明), the 20-minute animated film is about the journey of six passengers on the night bus. Inspired by the Northeastern coastal roads of Taiwan, Night Bus isContinue reading “NIGHT BUS: Violence for Richness”

WHALE ISLAND: Two Men and the Sea

The first opening shots of Whale Island (男人與他的海) look like a National Geographic documentary, showcasing the beauty of our environment through stunning shots of whales and waves. During my first watch I even wondered if there was going to have any dialogue at all, or if it would just be two hours of long shotsContinue reading “WHALE ISLAND: Two Men and the Sea”

DETENTION: The Horrors in Our History

With its many adaptations, it might be that Detention (返校)—released as a horror game and later made into both a film and a TV series—doesn’t need any introduction! Since its release as a game in 2017, Detention was quickly converted into a film in 2019 and then a Netflix series in 2020. But, what isContinue reading “DETENTION: The Horrors in Our History”


Just like my previous entry on inBlooom, the media that I would like to introduce today has long been one of my favorites. After watching this movie for the first time in university, I’ve rewatched it many times when I’m in the mood for something touching yet lighthearted, and each time I find more thingsContinue reading “WHEN A WOLF FALLS IN LOVE WITH A SHEEP: Love and Limbo”

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